Meet Sharon
“As an economist and a mom, I bring real-life experience to the State Senate.
Whatcom County deserves a Senator who understands the challenges you’re facing and who will work every bit as hard as you do. I’d be honored to have your vote.”
— Sharon
I have been serving you in Olympia as your State Representative these past four years. As the only economist in the legislature, it’s important to me that we make decisions using data and evidence, not ideology. I get things done for the people of Whatcom County because I’m pragmatic, honest, and I work across party lines to find pragmatic solutions.
As a mom, a wife, a teacher and a neighbor, I know how difficult the last year has been for families in Whatcom County. People are struggling to find or afford a home, we are rebuilding from devastating floods, and food prices keep going up.
I’m a proud member of the Supply Chain Caucus in Olympia, looking for practical solutions to getting goods moving again. I’m an agricultural and natural resource economist, so I work to support sustainable local farming, fishing, and other heritage industries. I’m also making sure we are thoughtful and effective as we move into a clean energy future with new, good jobs here at home.
Here’s a few highlights of what I’ve gotten done in the State House:
- Lowered taxes on home sales for most homes in Whatcom County!
- Made record investments in protecting pensions, building affordable homes, addressing homelessness, and adding academy slots for new local police, and more!
- Funded flood recovery and now I’m working so everyone gets funding faster, so flood victims can recover and so our river can be more resilient.
- Invested in good jobs, mental health centers, rural broadband, and high-quality and affordable childcare.
- Affirmed your right to access safe abortion services (my opponent voted to take away your rights).
- Funded local schools – unlike my opponent who voted against $7,500,000 to Whatcom County schools. And if a person makes over $250,000 in stock sales in one year, they should pay a Capital Gains Tax that goes to schools. It will be paid for only by the super wealthy. (Note: this is what my opponent calls an ‘income tax’. It’s not.)
- Helped eliminate the B&O tax for small “mom-and-pop” businesses with less than $125,000 in revenue! As an economist I know that making it easier to start a business is a great thing for communities.
- Passed the Working Families Tax Rebate, one of the most effective ways to support low-income families, improve outcomes for children, and encourage work. Starting in 2023, families in Washington State will see rebates up to $1,200.
I’ll take this experience to the State Senate to make sure Whatcom County gets the investments we need to have an economy that works for everyone. I’d be honored to have your vote.
Warm regards,